Sheet music for the whole piece is available at the STORE
It includes
* Piano transcription
* Melody part – available in C, Bb, Eb & F (with Guitar & Keyboard solos fully trancribed)
* Bass
* Melodies of Life
* The Skies of Alexandra
* Crossing those Hills
* Battle 1
* Run!
* Battle 2
* Vamo’ Alla Flamenco
* Hunter’s Chance
* Bittersweet Romance
* Frontier Village Dali
* Passive Sorrow
* Bran Bal, the Soulless Village
* Quad Mist
* Sleepless City Treno
* We Are Thieves !
* The Evil Mist’s Rebirth
* Pandemonium, the Castle Frozen in Time
* Kuja’s Theme
* Burmecian Kingdom
* Final Battle
* Towards That Gate